Pericardial mesothelioma is related to cancer type asbestos that will influence layer that in around heart muscle. 

Though form mesothelioma is sometime conceived of lung cancer ,but this cancer initially not influence lung. 

Pericardial mesothelioma will influence pericardium, that is medical term that is lining from heart, and serous membranes from lung.

Pericardial mesothelioma are caused by hit asbestos and too old breath in asbestos dust, that made at building, maintenance, and goods repair that contain asbestos,that known as one of cause pericardial mesothelioma

One theory is that damage asbestos fibre in lung and transfered pass by blood stream to pericardium and serous membranes. 

This Route is also known as the fibre spreading that can cause pericardial mesothelioma.

Posted by ads1 creator Wednesday, December 30, 2009 0 comments

peritoneal mesothelioma is certain cancer type that influence peritoneum,that caused by asbestos presentation and product asbestos.
After experts conducts much researchs and known influence peritoneum there is related to issues how well stomach can protect organs in area of around stomach.

And how well iubricant in stomach can guard against organ possibility around stomach shift, and wether organ referreds truly.Peritoneal mesothelioma are sometime known as peritoneal mesothelioma, that mean that cancer has extended to vinicity organ.

Credit from type mesothelioma is given to approximately ten percentage of mesothelioma and second is most commonly form that related asbestos mesothelioma.

Most commonly Form or all the much experienced by some patients are pleural mesothelioma.Disease that have period long-range latensi, where tumor cells are referreds grow on the quiet and not influence other organ performance that.

Many of doctors tends to less think that until cause disease is referreds has been in phase that continue before its symptom starts emerge.

Posted by ads1 creator Sunday, December 27, 2009 2 comments

Ferocity that entangle cells mesothelial at human body, entered pleura, peritoneum, perikardium, and testis, known as ferocious mesothelioma, either that local or difus.

Most, but not all, case ferocious mesothelioma (malignant mesothelioma) at pleural (lung cancer) usually relate to presentation from asbestos.

Patient with ferocious mesothelioma pleura, 77% has been hit asbestos was at its the past.

Diagnosis difficult mesothelioma uphold because the result of analysis of effusion fluid from cancer usually is not most diagnostic.

Mesothelioma more public happens at men than woman and that happened most often at the age of fifth decade till decade 7th.

A large part of cases (around 90%) from malignant mesothelioma happened in pleura.

From picture histologi is existed 3 types mesothelioma that is mesothelioma sarcomatous, epitel, and mixture (mixed).

Pleural mesothelioma usually started as the plaque and nodul that join to produce sheetlike neoplasm.

Tumor Growth usually started at down section chest, tumor can attack diaphragm and blanket lung surface and gap interlobaris.

When disease expand, often extend to parenkim paru, chest wall and wall mediastinum.

Pleural mesothelioma can disseminate to throat, flank, backbone, pleksus brakialis, and vena cava superior.

Asbestos, amphibole asbestos, asbestos-crocidolite, and amosite asbestos especially, is main carcinogen involveds in patogenesis.

Asbestos Presentation chrysotil is related to mesothelioma lower incident.

Industry Area that often related to the happening of mesotelioma consequence of asbestos presentation is entered mining industry, ship-building that entangle the usage of asbestos, cement asbestos making, ceramic, hulling paper, auto parts, and factory of train repair.

Clinic Manifestation or clinic symptom that happened at mesothelioma that is:
  • Dyspnea and pain in bone nonpleuritic chest wall is most commonly symptom happens at ferocious mesothelioma. (Around 60-90% from patient experience of symptom of chest pain in bone or dyspnea.)
  • At patient with ferocious mesothelioma, finding of effusion physical pleura usually known with percussion and auskultassion.
  • At case that seldom, ferocious mesothelioma as cord compression, brachial plexopathy, Horner syndrome, or superior vena cava syndrome. Death usually caused by infection or respiration failure from growth mesothelioma.
  • Main Area that often happened at pleura (87%), peritoneum (5,1%), and perichardium (0,4%).

Posted by ads1 creator Thursday, December 24, 2009 1 comments

For patient with disease localized, and whom can men-toleransi one radical surgery, radiation is that often given deliver post in active move as a handling consolidative.
Entire hemi-thorax is treats with radiation therapy, often given in simultaneous with chemotherapy.

This Approach from use surgery are followed by radiation with chemotherapy and pioneered by team thoracic oncology in Brigham & Women Hospital in Boston.

Delivery Radiation and chemotherapy after one radical surgery has led to extend expectancy live ins patient population chosen from some defensor patients more than 5 year.

As part of one approach to heal mesothelioma, radiotherapy in general applied for chest location that deliver insertion, in attempt to prevent tumor growth as long as band in wall of chest part.

Although mesothelioma in general resistant to handling referred as nevertheless by any chance can recover with radiotherapy, way that used by the palliative is by see arising out symptom from tumor growth, like barrier at one main vein.

Therapy this Radiasi is given as a mean to improve survival from mesothelioma.
Radiation Dose required just for mesothelioma nevertheless not surgically that merely eliminated will be very poisonous.

Posted by ads1 creator Monday, December 14, 2009 0 comments

Diagnosis mesothelioma a lot find difficulties, because symptom can not be predicted manifestly.
Diagnosis can start conducted with one because disease that suffered from medical history patient.

A history from exposure at asbestos can improve clinical suspicion for mesothelioma.
A physical examination can be conducted, followed by chest irradiating and often also lung or place are opened test function.

Irradiating can express pleural coagulates in general managed asbestos exposure and improve suspicion from mesothelioma.
A CT (or CAT) scan or one MRI that usually conducted.

If a large amount of fluid today, abnormal cells are might possibly detected by cytopathology if this fluid can aspirated with one sprayer.
For pleural flow this condition can be conducted with knock at one of pleural or chest channel, in ascites at one paracentesis or ascitic can deliver in one radiation pericardial with pericardiocentesis.

Meanwhile catching cells inexistence above to cytology not entirely release or negate mesothelioma, will do not want to and especially if one alternative diagnosis maybe can make TBC, liver failure or heart.
If science or knowledge studies cell is positive or one memorial is considered as suspicion, one biopsy can be needed to confirm one diagnosis to mesothelioma.

A doctor eliminates one network example for testing below or under one microscope by one pathologist.
A biopsy is might possibly conducted by means of or differently, all depend on where abnormal area is referred as located.
If cancer is existed in its chest, doctor can conduct one thoracoscopy.

In this procedure, doctor makes one alternative by cut chest wall, tube that flame called one thoracoscope to chest between two ribs.
Conducive Thoracoscopy doctor to see situation in chest for getting the network example.

If cancer that located in abdomen, doctor can conduct one laparoscopy, For getting the network for testing, doctor makes one incision or engraving small in abdomen and insert one special instrument to abdominal cavity.
If this procedures not produces network, diagnostic surgery that more extensive might possibly.

Posted by ads1 creator Tuesday, December 1, 2009 0 comments

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