Mesothelioma is a disease that is difficult to treat effectively. Even after decades of mesothelioma treatment, there was still no cure for the disease and the historical method to control the development of highly effective yet. Namun, baru-baru ini kemajuan dalam pemahaman kita tentang biologi kompleks penyakit tertentu, telah menyebabkan peningkatan efektivitas terapi standar, yang dipandang paling jelas dengan peningkatan rata-rata kelangsungan hidup kali dilaporkan oleh beberapa pasien kelas. Even when much more work to be completed before the medical community can say it has changed the angle of mesothelioma treatment, increasing survival times, as seen in patients treated with Alimta, or with an effective multimodal protocol refers to a future mesothelioma treatment less brighter and a little more hopeful than ever.
Indications mesothelioma treatment

Before a doctor can develop a treatment plan, patients must undergo a full examination and tests so that doctors can identify the extent of cancer involved, the present stage of disease, histological subtype of malignancy, and overall patient health and performance status. This information will be used to develop a treatment plan tailored to the individual patient's situation. For example, if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage and the patient presents with epithelial histologic form, then radical surgery with curative intent will likely be a decision. However, if the same patient was sarcomatoid mesothelioma histologic subtype, which was known to be resistant to various treatments, so doctors can decide on different treatment strategies. Physician needs the patient's full understanding of the presentation may be if he is to develop an effective treatment plan.
Mesothelioma treatment strategy

The first step in developing any treatment protocol is likely to decisions about how aggressively to fight cancer. Like most serious form of the disease, there are two basic therapeutic strategy for treatment of mesothelioma: palliative care, which is used to manage patients who experience associated with symptoms of the disease, but that does not attempt to cure or control the disease itself, and treatment with curative purposes, which refers to the technique is the ultimate goal of complete recovery or at least full control of the disease at hand. Because mesothelioma does not have the drug, this treatment is sometimes referred to as life-extending treatment.

While the use of the term "palliative care" refers to treatment strategies based on symptom control, there are often subtle differences in meaning when the term is used. For some people, the term "palliative care" refers to any attempt to actively control the symptoms of the individual, while for others the term refers to treatment given to ease the burden on end-of-life symptoms, or symptoms of disease is very advanced. This can also be known as a treatment supporter. We use the term "palliative care" includes both meanings as presented here.

After the doctor has decided on the treatment strategy, he then will monitor the patient response to therapy and make adjustments to treatment plans based on this monitoring. In many instances, a patient will start treatment with an aggressive, 'intention to treat' protocol, but will be transferred to a more of a palliative care plan if the disease stops responding with aggressive therapy.
Mesothelioma Treatment Modalities

A number of different modalities work in mesothelioma treatment. Operation of traditional therapy, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used individually or in concert for multimodal therapy, makes most of mesothelioma treatment plan, but there are also more experimental treatments that are available for some patients. Many of the treatments in this study have shown promise in laboratory settings and is undergoing clinical trials to test their clinical safety and efficacy.
Traditional Mesothelioma Treatment Options

      * Surgery (physical removal of the cancer)
        Surgery involves the removal of physical or operative treatment of cancer. There are several different operations available for mesothelioma patients, some palliatively used to treat the symptoms and some of them considered radical surgery and is used with curative intent. Your doctor will decide on the nature and type of operation that it will be based on the overall treatment strategy and the information determined during the examination of patients.

        Learn more: Mesothelioma Treatments: Surgery
      * Chemotherapy (using drugs to fight cancer)
        Chemotherapy uses drugs and other chemical agents to kill cancer cells. This is called a systemic treatment because the drug was introduced into the patient's bloodstream and travel throughout the body to kill cancer cells. Introduction of pemetrexed-based chemotherapy has improved the efficacy of chemotherapy for mesothelioma patients.

        Learn more: Mesothelioma Treatments: Chemotherapy
      * Radiation therapy (using radiation to kill cancer cells)
        Radiation therapy uses ionizing radiation to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumors. For the treatment of mesothelioma, radiation may be used as part of a multimodal treatment protocol or can be used in a way palliative to reduce pain associated with the disease.

        Learn more: Mesothelioma Treatments: Radiation Therapy

   Multimodal and Trimodal Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Doctors will often develop a treatment plan that combines two or more of these treatment options. This is known as multimodal therapy and offers the most effective treatment for malignant mesothelioma patients. Recent research shows that trimodal therapy, in which the three traditional modalities used, offers the best chance at long-term survival for patients who qualify for it.
Non-Traditional Mesothelioma Treatment Options

      * Photodynamic Therapy
        Photodynamic therapy destroys cancer cells by using energy from light and may also be effective when combined with surgery. Although this treatment is experimental for mesothelioma, it has shown promising results in treating other cancers.

      * Gene Therapy
        This is a new treatment, currently in clinical trials. This approach allows treatment to target tumors, rather than destroy healthy cells that are negative traditional chemotherapy.

      * Immunotherapy
        Immunotherapy (or biological therapy) to treat cancer by using the body's own immune system to fight cancer cells. Another name often applies to this treatment: biological response modifiers (BRMs).

Importance of Specialist Treatment for Mesothelioma

Because this disease is relatively rare in the general population, it is recommended that patients seeking an experienced mesothelioma specialist for the development of their treatment plan. These specialists will find the latest research and clinical trials involving each of the modalities discussed above and will be able to develop a treatment plan is more information than would a physician who does not specialize in the disease.

In many cases, mesothelioma specialists will develop protocols and will oversee its implementation, but the patient still will meet with his personal physician as well.

Posted by ads1 creator Sunday, October 11, 2009


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